From reality to virtuality: Decentraland

Andrea Maggetto
Geek Culture
Published in
3 min readMar 8, 2022


Let’s carry on about the Metaverse-related saga discussing another important Web3-based platform: Decentraland.

Photo by Shubham Dhage on Unsplash

The main point of the prior story wrapped around curios and appealing Metaverse platform, Sandbox. Cornerstones of this virtual environment are its feature to be completely decentralized, the opportunity to craft many types of user communities, and the adoption of a few tokens to best complete all the transactions involved inside it.

All the above features are present under an umbrella breakthrough technology, which is likely to go to revolutionize the Internet as we know it today: Web3.

Today, we’re going to jump into exploring another interesting Sandbox-like virtual world: Decentraland.

Decentraland for dummies

Despite the fact the Metaverse technology is still in its primes, all the Blockchain-application passionate already consider Decentraland as one of the very first opponents of Sandbox, mainly for the common ingredients they commonly share.

By the way, though they could almost be considered interchangeably, Decentraland provides different details, compared to Sandbox.

Let’s make a clear comparison between them.

Similarities between Sandbox and Decentraland

  • Ethereum Blockchain: Both Sandbox and Decentraland operate upon this particular Blockchain, one of the most known within the Web3 world.
  • LAND: It’s possible to use the LAND NFT in Decentraland in order to define the ownership of land parcels representing the digital real estate.

Differences between Sandbox and Decentraland

Although their numbers of similarities, They differ for other features:

  • MANA: In Decentraland SAND token isn’t used. Rather its native token is being represented by MANA, which is the main virtual coin for Decentraland internal operations.
  • Decentraland is completely decentralized: What? What does that mean? All the two projects share the decentralization feature but in a different way. Sandbox is being governed by a third-part authority that aims to provide Web3 features, whereas we can consider Decentraland completely decentralised due to the fact is being handled by a DAO.

How does any operation occur in Decentraland?

As described above, Decentraland is being managed by a DAO. For this reason, any kind of change inside this place is being enacted by smart contracts, which provide the possibility to all the MANA users holders to express decisions regarding all the policy.

Decentraland has many layered components built using Ethereum smart contracts.

The consensus layer maintains a ledger that tracks the ownership of land parcels. Each parcel of LAND has a unique coordinate in the virtual world, an owner and a reference to a description file representing the content within the parcel.

Photo by Shubham Dhage on Unsplash

Coming to a conclusion

Thus far, we’ve reviewed both Sandbox and Decentraland, deepening all their features and useful peculiarities.

As a result of this writing, they’re similar between them and what matters the most are their goals.

Moreover, I’m personally curious to know what the future is going to reserve us not just for Metaverse, but also for Blockchain applications.

What are your considerations about this? How do you think all these innovative applications are going to have an impact on our life?

Let’s discuss this in the comments.

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Andrea Maggetto
Geek Culture

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